Your Nuhorizons, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Seeking volunteers to help us sort donated items.
Each truckload of donated items (usually from Amazon or Walmart) we receive through our partnership with Good360 contains thousands of individual items. We must strike the bar code on each item with a marker, then place each item in the appropriate section of our warehouse. Volunteers and both needed and welcome to help in this ongoing process !
Refer us to potential sources of Grants and Donations.
With a total annual budget of under $100,000.00, Nuhorizons is able to acquire and deliver free items and merchandise to those in need with a fair market value, according to Good360, of approximately $1,800,000.00. Our budget is funded solely by donations and contributions. (donated items we obtain cannot be sold or used for fundraising efforts). 2 of our Board members provided free grant writing services through their consulting company so our cost of fund raising is zero.
If you have any contacts or ideas that you can refer us to apply for a grant or donation ( private or public foundations or individuals or corporations with foundations) , please email or call me. (Today, most large corporations have foundations or ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ divisions.)
Contact us Email
Drop us an email to say hello or anything you'd like to discuss about our programs.